Best Bass Ukuleles

Ukulele Reviews and Recommendations

When I first picked up a bass ukulele, I had no idea it’d become one of my favorite instruments....
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Strumming a Ukulele: A Beginner’s Guide

Ukulele Tips and Tricks

If you’re new to playing ukes and aspire to sound like a pro, perfecting your strumming method is the key. While strumming a ukulele may...
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Best Ukulele for Beginners

Ukulele Reviews and Recommendations

Do you want to start your musical journey with a reliable ukulele that won’t burn a hole through your pocket? There’s no shortage of...
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The Ukulele Circle of Fifths: Why You Should Care

Ukulele Tips and Tricks

Ever wondered why some ukulele melodies sound so put together while some sound out of place? It all...
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Best Ukulele Pickups in 2024

Ukulele Reviews and Recommendations

If you’re like me and have fallen head over heels for the bright tones of the ukulele, then you know the joy of strumming these mellow...
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How Much is a Good Ukulele?

Ukulele Tips and Tricks

If you’re thinking about getting a new ukulele or even considering an upgrade for your current one, you’re likely wondering...
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Best Amplifier for Ukulele

Ukulele Reviews and Recommendations, Uncategorized

Whether you’re strumming bright melodies on the beach with your friends or rocking out in a...
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Tenor vs. Concert Ukulele


Do you feel like you’re at a musical crossroads, choosing between a tenor and a concert ukulele? I was in your shoes once, and today,...
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Best Ukulele Size for Beginners

Ukulele Tips and Tricks

If you’re at the beginning of your ukulele learning journey, choosing the right size can make all the difference. From experience, I know...
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How to Choose a Ukulele

Ukulele Tips and Tricks

Joyful as it was, choosing my first ukulele wasn’t an easy task. There were endless models to...
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